
Generative Software and System Engineering

NaoMod tools

NaoMod develops several tools for generative software and system engineering:

View EMFViews is an Eclipse plugin that brings the concept of database views to the modeling world.
Transform ATLc & ATOL are two alternative ATL transformations engines that supports incremental and constraint solving.
Store NeoEMF is a model persistence solution designed to store models in several kind of NoSQL datastores. It is fully compatible with EMF, making it easy to integrate into modeling applications.
Prove The CoqTL tool provides a Coq based framework to express and write proofs on model transformations.
Reverse The MoDisco tool provides an extensible framework to develop model-driven tools for existing software modernization.

Co-maintained tools

We take part in the development and maintenance of these external tools.

Transform The ATL model transformation language provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set of source models.
Execute The Eclipse GEMOC Studio provides generic components through Eclipse technologies for the development, integration, and use of heterogeneous executable modeling languages.