NaoMod hosts one seminar per week where group member or a guest speaker gives a talk on a subject of their choosing, such as an interesting paper, their ongoing work, a nice tool they discovered, or inspirational thoughts (here is the calendar ICS file with the full list of seminars).
Click here to see the upcoming seminars (list generated at 2025-03-03 14:52)
Past seminars
Shi, J., Yang, Z., & Lo, D. (2024). Efficient and green large language models for software engineering: Vision and the road ahead. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.
Demonstration of the gitlab-ci-local tool.
Paper that will be published at Computer Standards & Interfaces in 2025, authored by Yihao Li, Pan Liu, Haiyang Wang, Jie Chu, W. Eric Wong.
Paper published at FSE 2024, authored by Malinda Dilhara, Abhiram Bellur, Timofey Bryksin, Danny Dig.
Paper published at FASE 2002, authored by Juan de Lara1 and Hans Vangheluwe.
“Tool of the week” demonstration about the Xtext framework, and how it can be used to define the scope of variables in the textual syntax of a DSL.
Paper presented at SLE 2024.
Paper authored by Léna Bamouh and Erwan Bousse, to be presented at MoDeVVa 2024.
Tool demo to be submitted at MODELS 2024.
Travail réalisé en stage de M2.
Répétition soutenance de stage.
L’intégration des applications évolue constamment, utilisant des architectures variées comme les ESB et middleware pour la connectivité des systèmes. Actuellement, l’accent est mis sur la gestion des événements et la synchronisation en temps réel. Le projet se concentre sur l’intégration d’applications d’entreprise pilotées par des événements, abordant des défis tels que la documentation des événements et la gestion dynamique des abonnements.
Building an executable domain-specific language to model a simple production line system using the Eclipse GEMOC Studio.
(Tool of the week) Documentation, Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2.
Paper accepted at the ICSE’24 conference, NIER track, written by June Sallou, Thomas Durieux, Annibale Panichella.
Paper accepted at FSE’24, written by Alshahwan, Nadia ; Chheda, Jubin ; Finegenova, Anastasia ; Gokkaya, Beliz ; Harman, Mark ; Harper, Inna ; Marginean, Alexandru ; Sengupta, Shubho ; Wang, Eddy.
Paper by Max Schäfer, Sarah Nadi, Aryaz Eghbali, Frank Tip. Published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Accepted as full-paper for ICEIS 2024.
Paper published at ICSE 2024, authored by Chunqiu Steven Xia, Matteo Paltenghi, Jia Le Tian, Michael Pradel, Lingming Zhang.
In this presentation, we will discuss why recommendation is an important research area for BPM, what recommendation entails in Business Process Modeling, and the main approaches to Recommendation. We will also introduce the foundations of a proposal for recommendation in Process Modeling called Pattern Composition.
Paper accepted at MODELSWARD 2024, authored by Hiba Ajabri, Jean-Marie Mottu, Erwan Bousse.
Paper written by Sirui Hong, Mingchen Zhuge, Jonathan Chen, Xiawu Zheng, Yuheng Cheng, Ceyao Zhang, Jinlin Wang, Zili Wang, Steven Ka Shing Yau, Zijuan Lin, Liyang Zhou, Chenyu Ran, Lingfeng Xiao, Chenglin Wu, Jürgen Schmidhuber.
Paper published in 2021 at The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, authored by Jesus Kombaya Touckia (University Paris 8), Nadia Hamani (University de Picardie Jules Verne) & Lyes Kermad (University Paris 8)
Paper published at IEEE Software, authored by Judith Michael, (Aachen University, Germany), Maike Schwammberger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Andreas Wortmann (University of Stuttgart, Germany).
Paper presented at ICSE 2023, authored by Sean McGuire, Erin Schultz, Bimpe Ayoola and Paul Ralph (Dalhousie University, Canada). Presented slides.
Paper accepted at MODELS 2015 and written by Ana Pescador, Antonio Garmendia, Esther Guerra, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Juan de Lara.
- Paper 1 : Cámara, J., Troya, J., Burgueño, L. et al. On the assessment of generative AI in modeling tasks: an experience report with ChatGPT and UML. Softw Syst Model 22, 781–793 (2023).
- Paper 2: Kua Chen, Yujing Yang, Boqi Chen, José Antonio Hernández López, Gunter Mussbacher, Daniel Varro. Automated Domain Modeling with Large Language Models: A Comparative Study, MODELS 2023
I intend to show and talk about 2 papers (an experience report and a comparative study) that discusses this subject. The intention is to be updated about the current state catching up the latest published papers about it.
Paper written in 2019 by Loli Burgueño, Jordi Cabot, and Sébastien Gérard
Forewords by Matthew:
It’s in a way the opposite of what I’m doing with AI and MT; it’s about using ML and NN to perform a transformation, as opposed to my thesis where CSP is added to a transformation language, which I find can be an interesting contrast.
Abstract: The new Fog paradigm extends the Cloud to be closer to the thing that produce and act on IoT data. However, managing Fog infrastructure is challenging because of the scalability and reliability of these heterogeneous and dynamic systems. The SeMaFoR project aims at model Fog resources, and orchestrate a fleet of autonomous controllers, each having a local view of its resources, to ease the management of Fog systems.
Paper accepted at FSE’24, written by Alshahwan, Nadia ; Chheda, Jubin ; Finegenova, Anastasia ; Gokkaya, Beliz ; Harman, Mark ; Harper, Inna ; Marginean, Alexandru ; Sengupta, Shubho ; Wang, Eddy.
A quick focus on model transformation languages and general purpose languages expressiveness and ease of use in the context of incremental model transformation. Link to paper and Github
A few words about the ICT4S 2023 conference and my job there as “sustainability chair”
A brief introduction to Hiba’s thesis subject entitled Performance Evaluation of Executable Domain-Specific Languages: introduction of an overall architectural diagram of the RODIC ANR project, and of a technical diagram on the WP2 level, and presentation of some of results.
Authors: José Antonio Hernández López; Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado
By Aitor Arrieta; Jon Ayerdi; Miren Illarramendi; Aitor Agirre; Goiuria Sagardui; Maite Arratibel.
Johan Bergelin, Luca Berardinelli, Damir Bilic, Hugo Bruneliere, Antonio Cicchetti, MohammadHadi Dehghani, Claudio Di Sipio, James Miranda, Abbas Rahimi, and Riccardo Rubei
Submitted to ECMFA 2023.
WIP to be submitted to ECMFA 2023
Paper accepted in 01/2023 at SoSym
Anne Etien is full professor in the RMod group in Lille. She will give an overview of some research activities in her group.
Paper recently submitted at CAiSE’23
Faezeh Khorram, Erwan Bousse, Antonio Garmendia, Jean-Marie Mottu, Gerson Sunyé, Manuel Wimmer
Rehearsal for presenting at SLE 2022
Current research work
Faezeh Khorram, Erwan Bousse, Jean-Marie Mottu, Gerson Sunyé, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Pablo C Cañizares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara
Rehearsal for presenting at MODELS 2022
Léo Olivier, Lou-Anne Sauvêtre, Erwan Bousse, Gerson Sunyé
Rehearsal for presenting at « MLE 2022 »
Abdelghani Alidraab, Hugo Bruneliere, Thomas Ledoux
In « Future Generation Computer Systems », August 2022