
Nantes Software Modeling Group

NaoMod hosts one seminar per week where group member or a guest speaker gives a talk on a subject of their choosing, such as an interesting paper, their ongoing work, a nice tool they discovered, or inspirational thoughts.

Link to calendar ICS file with all seminars with titles and descriptions.

Upcoming seminars

SLE 2024 rehearsal
James Miranda
Hiba Ajabri
Matthew Coyle
Yasmina Dali Youcef
Erwan Bousse
Click here to see more upcoming seminars
Théo Le Calvar
Massimo Tisi
Jean-Marie Mottu
Dalila Tamzalit
Hugo Bruneliere

Past seminars

Gerson Sunyé
Towards Model-Driven Test Case Concretization for End-to-end Combinatorial Testing

Paper authored by Léna Bamouh and Erwan Bousse, to be presented at MoDeVVa 2024.

Erwan Bousse
Théo Le Calvar
A domain-specific language (DSL) created with the Modeling SDK for Visual Studio
Hugo Bruneliere
dpDebugger: a Domain-Parametric Debugger for DSLs using DAP and Language Protocols

Tool demo to be submitted at MODELS 2024.

Josselin Enet
Identification de Services dans des Systèmes Monolithiques, en Préparation à la Migration vers une Architecture Microservices.

Travail réalisé en stage de M2.

Matthéo Lécrivain
Architecture d'orchestration d'API pilotée par les événements

Répétition soutenance de stage.

L’intégration des applications évolue constamment, utilisant des architectures variées comme les ESB et middleware pour la connectivité des systèmes. Actuellement, l’accent est mis sur la gestion des événements et la synchronisation en temps réel. Le projet se concentre sur l’intégration d’applications d’entreprise pilotées par des événements, abordant des défis tels que la documentation des événements et la gestion dynamique des abonnements.

Fanel Bentaleb
How to create multi-agent collaboration with LangGraph
James Miranda
Eclipse GEMOC Studio Tutorial

Building an executable domain-specific language to model a simple production line system using the Eclipse GEMOC Studio.

Hiba Ajabri
CorrectExam demonstration
Gerson Sunyé
Choco-solver demonstration
Matthew Coyle
Ltac: a DSL for proof tactics

(Tool of the week) Documentation, Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2.

Massimo Tisi
Breaking the Silence: the Threats of Using LLMs in Software Engineering

Paper accepted at the ICSE’24 conference, NIER track, written by June Sallou, Thomas Durieux, Annibale Panichella.

Josselin Enet
Automated Unit Test Improvement using Large Language Models at Meta

Paper accepted at FSE’24, written by Alshahwan, Nadia ; Chheda, Jubin ; Finegenova, Anastasia ; Gokkaya, Beliz ; Harman, Mark ; Harper, Inna ; Marginean, Alexandru ; Sengupta, Shubho ; Wang, Eddy.

Gerson Sunyé
An Empirical Evaluation of Using Large Language Models for Automated Unit Test Generation

Paper by Max Schäfer, Sarah Nadi, Aryaz Eghbali, Frank Tip. Published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

Jean-Marie Mottu
Towards a link mapping and evaluation approach for core operational​ Business-IT alignment

Accepted as full-paper for ICEIS 2024.

Ali Benjilany
Fuzz4All: Universal Fuzzing with Large Language Models

Paper published at ICSE 2024, authored by Chunqiu Steven Xia, Matteo Paltenghi, Jia Le Tian, Michael Pradel, Lingming Zhang.

Théo Le Calvar
Recommendation in Business Process Modeling

In this presentation, we will discuss why recommendation is an important research area for BPM, what recommendation entails in Business Process Modeling, and the main approaches to Recommendation. We will also introduce the foundations of a proposal for recommendation in Process Modeling called Pattern Composition.

Mateus Conrad B. da Costa (Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, Brazil)
Defining KPIs for executable DSLs: a manufacturing system case study

Paper accepted at MODELSWARD 2024, authored by Hiba Ajabri, Jean-Marie Mottu, Erwan Bousse.

Hiba Ajabri
MetaGPT: Meta Programming for A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework

Paper written by Sirui Hong, Mingchen Zhuge, Jonathan Chen, Xiawu Zheng, Yuheng Cheng, Ceyao Zhang, Jinlin Wang, Zili Wang, Steven Ka Shing Yau, Zijuan Lin, Liyang Zhou, Chenyu Ran, Lingfeng Xiao, Chenglin Wu, Jürgen Schmidhuber.

Massimo Tisi
Digital twin framework for reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs): design and simulation

Paper published in 2021 at The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, authored by Jesus Kombaya Touckia (University Paris 8), Nadia Hamani (University de Picardie Jules Verne) & Lyes Kermad (University Paris 8)

Yasmina Dali Youcef
Explaining Cyberphysical System Behavior With Digital Twins

Paper published at IEEE Software, authored by Judith Michael, (Aachen University, Germany), Maike Schwammberger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Andreas Wortmann (University of Stuttgart, Germany).

Hugo Bruneliere
Sustainability is Stratified: Toward a Better Theory of Sustainable Software Engineering

Paper presented at ICSE 2023, authored by Sean McGuire, Erin Schultz, Bimpe Ayoola and Paul Ralph (Dalhousie University, Canada). Presented slides.

Erwan Bousse
Pattern-based development of domain-specific modelling languages

Paper accepted at MODELS 2015 and written by Ana Pescador, Antonio Garmendia, Esther Guerra, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Juan de Lara.

Hiba Ajabri
The current state of the use of LLMs for modeling activities

I intend to show and talk about 2 papers (an experience report and a comparative study) that discusses this subject. The intention is to be updated about the current state catching up the latest published papers about it.

James Miranda
An LSTM-Based Neural Network Architecture for Model Transformations

Paper written in 2019 by Loli Burgueño, Jordi Cabot, and Sébastien Gérard

Forewords by Matthew:

It’s in a way the opposite of what I’m doing with AI and MT; it’s about using ML and NN to perform a transformation, as opposed to my thesis where CSP is added to a transformation language, which I find can be an interesting contrast.

Matthew Coyle
SeMaFoR & Concerto-D for decentralized reconfiguration of Fog systems

Abstract: The new Fog paradigm extends the Cloud to be closer to the thing that produce and act on IoT data. However, managing Fog infrastructure is challenging because of the scalability and reliability of these heterogeneous and dynamic systems. The SeMaFoR project aims at model Fog resources, and orchestrate a fleet of autonomous controllers, each having a local view of its resources, to ease the management of Fog systems.

Jolan Philippe
No title provided.
Matthew Coyle
Automated Unit Test Improvement using Large Language Models at Meta

Paper accepted at FSE’24, written by Alshahwan, Nadia ; Chheda, Jubin ; Finegenova, Anastasia ; Gokkaya, Beliz ; Harman, Mark ; Harper, Inna ; Marginean, Alexandru ; Sengupta, Shubho ; Wang, Eddy.

Gerson Sunyé
TTC 2023 - Incremental MTL vs. GPLs: Class into Relational Database Schema

A quick focus on model transformation languages and general purpose languages expressiveness and ease of use in the context of incremental model transformation. Link to paper and Github

Théo Le Calvar
Being sustainability chair of ICTS 2023

A few words about the ICT4S 2023 conference and my job there as “sustainability chair”

Erwan Bousse
Hiba's thesis overview: 'Performance Evaluation of Executable Domain-Specific Languages'

A brief introduction to Hiba’s thesis subject entitled Performance Evaluation of Executable Domain-Specific Languages: introduction of an overall architectural diagram of the RODIC ANR project, and of a technical diagram on the WP2 level, and presentation of some of results.

Hiba Ajabri
Generating structurally realistic models with deep autoregressive networks

Authors: José Antonio Hernández López; Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado

Link to the paper

Massimo Tisi
Using Machine Learning to Build Test Oracles: an Industrial Case Study on Elevators Dispatching Algorithms

By Aitor Arrieta; Jon Ayerdi; Miren Illarramendi; Aitor Agirre; Goiuria Sagardui; Maite Arratibel.

Link to the paper

Jean-Marie Mottu
Model-driven engineering for certifiable safety-critical systems
Ghizlane El Boussaidi
Towards Automating the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: The Experience of Volvo Construction Equipment

Johan Bergelin, Luca Berardinelli, Damir Bilic, Hugo Bruneliere, Antonio Cicchetti, MohammadHadi Dehghani, Claudio Di Sipio, James Miranda, Abbas Rahimi, and Riccardo Rubei

Submitted to ECMFA 2023.

Hugo Bruneliere
Protocol-Based Interactive Debugging for Domain-Specific Languages

WIP to be submitted to ECMFA 2023

Josselin Enet
A Generic Framework for Representing and Analysing Model Concurrency

Paper accepted in 01/2023 at SoSym

Link to paper

Erwan Bousse
AI-augmented Model Transformations
Matthew Coyle
Testing, debugging and program visualisation @RMod

Anne Etien is full professor in the RMod group in Lille. She will give an overview of some research activities in her group.

Anne Etien
Current state on Business-IT alignment

Paper recently submitted at CAiSE’23

Ali Benjilany
From Coverage Computation to Fault Localization: A Generic Framework for Domain-Specific Languages

Faezeh Khorram, Erwan Bousse, Antonio Garmendia, Jean-Marie Mottu, Gerson Sunyé, Manuel Wimmer

Rehearsal for presenting at SLE 2022

Link to the paper

Faezeh Khorram
Graph neural networks and how it relates with models

Current research work

James Miranda
Automatic Test Amplification for Executable Models

Faezeh Khorram, Erwan Bousse, Jean-Marie Mottu, Gerson Sunyé, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Pablo C Cañizares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara

Rehearsal for presenting at MODELS 2022

Link to the paper

Faezeh Khorram
A Tool-Assisted Approach to Engineer Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) using Rust

Léo Olivier, Lou-Anne Sauvêtre, Erwan Bousse, Gerson Sunyé

Rehearsal for presenting at « MLE 2022 »

Link to the paper

Gerson Sunyé
Code-First Model-Driven Engineering: On the Agile Adoption of MDE Tooling

Artur Boronat

In « ASE 2019 »

Link to the paper

Link to the slides

Massimo Tisi
Let us not put all our eggs in one basket

Florence Maraninchi

In « Communications of the ACM », September 2022

Link to the paper

Erwan Bousse
A feature-based survey of Fog modeling languages

Abdelghani Alidraab, Hugo Bruneliere, Thomas Ledoux

In « Future Generation Computer Systems », August 2022

Link to the paper

Hugo Brunelière

Archives (07-2018 to 09-2019)